Research Archive
Young Investigator Award

Assistant Professor Matthew Lockett has been awarded the "2016 Eli Lilly and Company Young...
Bo Li in endeavors

Bo Li, Assistant Professor with Carolina Chemistry, was featured in the "Women in Science Wednesday"...
Caltech WAVE Fellow

Congratulations to Gerardo Perez-Goncalvez, an undergraduate researcher in the Pielak Group, who...
Proton Irradiation

Published in Scientific Reports, Dr. Kyle Reeves and Professor Yosuke Kanai report their theoretical...
Teaching Award to Dempsey

Professor Jillian Dempsey has been awarded the 2017 J. Carlyle Sitterson Award for Teaching First...
Leibfarth Awarded

Professor Frank Leibfarth, a recent addition to our faculty, is the recipient of the 2017 3M...