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Exam or Transfer

Credit by Exam or Transfer

Our Department recognizes the transfer course equivalencies previously approved by the University, and invites students to transfer all credits that have been approved through the UNC-CH Undergraduate Admissions. If a student plans to take a course at another institution in the future, and it is not listed at the above site, that student should follow the advice of the Academic Advising Program and submit a Course Approval Form before taking the course.

If a course has already been completed at a different institution but is not listed by the Undergraduate Admissions website as previously approved (please note that only fully in-person chemistry classes if approved can transfer as online chemistry courses are not transferable to UNC-CH even if they were taken post-COVID), equivalency can be gained as follows:

For Introductory Chemistry (Chem 101, Chem 102 and the associated labs), students must take a placement/competency exam given by the chemistry department. Passing this exam demonstrates knowledge of the course material, and the department will issue an explanation letter to the appropriate academic unit, for example Registrar’s office, Academic Advising, or Graduate program in Pharmacy.

The UNC Department of Chemistry will offer Placement Exams for the following courses on ONE day during the spring semester. These will fall on the weekday before classes begin.

Exams will be held in-person at Murray G202 at 1:00 pm EST on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Exams begin promptly at 1 p.m. EST.

Students may choose to take ONE of the following exams:

  1. Chem 101, 101L Placement Exam
  2. Chem 102, 102L Placement Exam
  3. Chem 101, 101L/102, 102L, COMBO Placement Exam

All exams are 70 questions with a 110 minute time limit.

Students who have previously taken and not finished or not passed one of the above courses may NOT earn the credit via exams. Students who already have credit for the lecture may not use these placement exams to earn lab credit.


Results of the exams will be available to students by the end of the business day on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

The exams will only be given if there are students interested in taking them. Students should email to ask questions about the exams. There is no fee for this service, but students may only attempt each exam once.


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