News Archive

The Dick Research Group is focused on creating new sensor technology for the detection of PFAS, a group of synthetic “forever” chemicals. Doctoral student Rebecca Clark is conducting research on the effectiveness of the sensor’s ability to detect PFOS, a pollutant in the PFAS group.

The annual departmental TA awards recognize outstanding graduate teaching assistants. Click to see this year’s recipients.

Led by Principal Investigators James Cahoon in the department of chemistry and Alexander Tropsha, the AI Accelerated Discovery of Solar Energy Materials Hub will apply recent advances in data science and AI to develop systems for generation of novel solar fuels — matter that can store and release solar energy on demand.

Candice Crilly found her passion for mentoring others through her time at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she is pursuing her Ph.D. in chemistry. Read more about how she discovered research to be a gateway to help her mentor others.

We are excited to share with you a virtual celebration of our graduates in the Class of 2021. Click to view a video message from the chair, presentation of Senior Awards, congratulatory messages from department members and, most importantly, meet our Class of 2021 graduates!

The annual Departmental Senior Awards are presented to students demonstrating excellence in their academic studies in chemistry and/or research in the labs. We are pleased to announce the recipients of Carolina Chemistry’s 2021 Departmental Senior Awards.

The Department of Chemistry is pleased to announce the recipients of our annual Departmental Undergraduate Summer Research Awards.

Frank Leibfarth, assistant professor of chemistry was selected as 2021 ACS POLY Fellow. The award recognizes chemists in the field of polymer science for their scientific accomplishments and service to the field

Four chemistry undergraduates receive American Chemical Society Undergraduate Awards for exceptional work in their research disciplines. The award recognizes undergraduates for outstanding achievement in their respective disciplines of chemistry and encourages further studies in their respective fields.