Staff Members

04 Aug: Kumbhar, Amar S.

Amar Kumbhar has a Ph.D in Analytical Chemistry from Clemson University. He is a electron microscopist and has been with…

04 Aug: Donley, Carrie

Carrie was the director of CHANL for 12 years before deciding she wanted to spend more time in the lab….

29 Jun: Sampaio, Renato

Dr. Renato Sampaio serves as the CHASE lead research staff member in solar fuels product analysis, managing the Spectroscopy User…

25 May: Tereniak, Stephen

Dr. Stephen Tereniak serves as the CHASE lead research staff member in synthesis, managing CHASE Molecular Synthesis User Facility and…

02 Nov: Hite, Courtney

As the CHASE Executive Assistant, Courtney is responsible for providing administrative assistance to the CHASE Solar Fuels Hub.  She serves…

30 Jul: Motley, Tyler

Dr. Tyler Motley is a Supervisor of the Undergraduate Labs and a laboratory instructor in the Department of Chemistry at…

26 Feb: Triumph, Therese

Therese is the Head of the Kenan Science Library, as Head of Science Academic and Research Engagement she works with…

26 Feb: Romito, David, Ph.D.

David can help connect you with information resources for your research and teaching, provide instruction to your students on literature…