News Archive

On the occasion of Professor Tomas Baer’s 80th birthday, past members of his group reunite for a two-day symposium at UNC Chapel Hill on August 9–10...
UNC Chemistry students and Clare Boothe Luce Fellows, Jill Williamson and Tiffany Crawford, participated in the 18-day leadership seminar...
Professors Jillian Dempsey and Jeffrey Dick, in partnership with Pine Research are piloted a two-day Cyclic Voltammetry Bootcamp...

Andrew Pendergast, a third-year undergraduate student, majoring in Chemistry, has been selected for the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. Pendergast hopes to...

The tradition of "Aloha Friday" in the department of chemistry was revived last Friday, when a number of scientists residing in the Genome Science Building...

Iota Sigma PI, the National Honorary Society for Women in Chemistry, has selected Professor Leslie Hicks to receive the 2019 Agnes Fay...

Frank Leibfarth, an assistant professor in our department, has been named a Beckman Young Investigator by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation...

Current chemistries used to modify the surfaces of metal oxide semiconductor films are susceptible to hydrolysis and degrade at high, positive...

The Department of Chemistry Mass Spectrometry Core Laboratory is excited to welcome our newest staff member, Diane Wallace. Diane is a North Carolina
The University Award for the Advancement of Women, UAAW, annual award recognizes people on campus who have elevated the status of women...