Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at UNC-Chapel Hill! We’re so excited to have you as a new staff member. Below are a few important items to help get you started in the department.
I’m New, What Do I Do?
- Email and Onyen
- Setting up University Wifi
- Connect Carolina Self Service Portal
- New Employee Orientation
- Benefits
- Getting your One Card
- Keys and One Card Swipe access
- Bio and picture
- Parking
- Who Do I Talk To About…?
- Department Website
- Department Intranet
- Payroll & TIM
- Mailroom
- Facilities
- Meetings
- Computer Support
UNC Email and Onyen
- Create an @unc.edu email address and an ONYEN user name (ONYEN=only name you’ll ever need). Go to http://its.unc.edu/services/onyen-services/ and select “Create or Reactivate Onyen”. The system will navigate you through the process.
- Activate your email: Go to selfservice.unc.edu and select “Email Sign Up.” This will activate your email. Sign in to your email at microsoft365.com. This will bring you to the Microsoft Office 365 dashboard where you can access the full-featured web-based version of your favorite apps (on any computer) or you can install the apps on your computer.
Setting up University Wifi
ConnectCarolina Self Service Portal
To access the Self Service Portal of ConnectCarolina use your Onyen and password to log in. Open the dropdown box by Admin WorkCenter at the top of the page and select Self Service. Here you can:
- Complete Tax Paperwork
- Set Up Direct Deposit
- Access TIM to record time stamps and leave.
- View Pay Statements
- See more here.
New Employee Orientation
View the New Employee Orientation website to learn more. You will attend this orientation on your first day, your HR manager will sign you up at the time of hire and the zoom link and hours of the orientation will be shared on the Thursday before your start date.
- You will learn about and register for your benefits package at the New Employee Orientation. General information about benefits can also be viewed online here.
- Adjustments can be made to your benefits package in the ConnectCarolina Self Service Portal.
- If you have questions or need to make changes beyond what is available in the ConnectCarolina Self Service Portal, please reach out directly to HR.
Getting Your One Card
The UNC One Card office is located near student stores: http://onecard.unc.edu/
The One Card acts as a library card and gives card swipe access to the outside doors of Kenan Labs, Genome Sciences, Caudill, Venable and Murray. The One Card contains your PID (personal identification number) that the library, tech support, and other departments use to identify patrons and log activity. One Cards expire on the last day of work for your current contract. If your contract is renewed your card will automatically activate for the new term regardless of the expiration date listed on the card. You do not need to get a new One Card each year.
Keys and One Card Swipe Access
Email Chemistry Department Facilities to arrange a time to pick up keys for:
- Office
- Classrooms
- Labs
Department Facilities can also request One Card swipe access to specific Chemistry buildings.
Bio and Picture
Mandy Melton (Kenan A200), our Department’s Communications Specialist, manages our website. Please provide her with a bio, picture, and preferred email for our staff page and listservs. She can also schedule a time to take your picture if you prefer.
We have listservs for faculty, staff, postdocs and graduate students. You will be added to the staff listserv to receive all staff related communications as well as communications for the whole department.
We also have a weekly department email that is sent from the communication office on Tuesday mornings sharing relevant news for all departmental parties and to cut down on individual emails being sent to the department members.
Daytime Parking
The department has an allotment of parking permits in the Bell Tower (BTD), Stadium Drive (N4), Venable (N11) and Nash (N7) lots available to full-time faculty and staff members based upon rank and years of service. These are priced depending on annual salary and lot location.
If these are not available, other options include UNC’s Park & Ride.
More information about employee parking can be found here.
The department contact for Chemistry employee parking is Michael Smith.
Weeknight and Weekend Parking
Venable Lot is permit-only during work hours but is open for public use on nights and weekends.
Weeknights (Monday – Thursday, 5 pm – 7:30 am), parking is $1 per night via the ParkMobile app or the pay station in the lot. Daytime employees without a daytime permit may be eligible for a $25 annual weeknight permit. Please contact the department parking coordinator to request the permit.
On weekends (Friday at 5 pm through Monday at 7:30 am) parking in Venable Lot is free.
Service Permits
The department has two digital visitor permits that can be used for up to two hours to load/unload or for guest parking.
Vehicles displaying the printed digital visitor permits may park in:
- Any available space except for the following spaces: disability, fire lanes, reserved spaces, service or service visitor spaces OR the two spaces under Morehead Labs marked as “Reserved: Chemistry Department Visitor Parking”
Contact Michael Smith to reserve the visitor parking.
Who Do I Talk To?
The business staff contact list includes who to contact for a business need: Business Staff Contact List- Who Does What.xlsx, if you’re unsure after reviewing the list contact your supervisor for help knowing who to contact
The contact list for faculty, staff and affiliated faculty can be found here by choosing the category: https://chem.unc.edu/faculty-alpha/
Department Website
The department website provides a wide variety of important information for faculty, staff, graduate students and postdocs and external audiences (such as potential students) including the Department Directory, Scientific areas, student requirements, and more.
This site can be accessed here.
Department Intranet
The department intranet provides a wide variety of important information for faculty, staff, and postdocs including process information, information, committee designations, and more.
This site can be accessed here.
Payroll and TIM
University employees are paid biweekly and monthly. For biweekly employees (SHRA) time stamps are recorded in TIM which can be accessed via ConnectCarolina. For monthly employees (EHRA) time off is recorded in TIM which can be accessed via ConnectCarolina. Email reminders will be sent from the HR office regarding TIM update/approval. The payroll calendar can be found here.
The faculty and staff mailroom is located in Kenan B226. Here you’ll find your mailbox and packages delivered, across the hall are office supplies and the department copier machine. For questions about the copier ask the admin team (suite next door-B227) or reach out to chemadmin@unc.edu.
To see available rooms, refer to conference and classroom information is found here.
To check room availability for a specific date/time, contact chemadmin@unc.edu.
The staff holds meetings quarterly hybrid meetings throughout the year. The schedule will be sent via email from the Associate Chair.
The faculty hold monthly meetings during the academic year on the first Thursday of each month in Kenan B229. The schedule will be sent via email from the Chair.
Computer Support
Jackson Cox, technology support specialist, is part of OASIS team and is dedicated to supporting the Chemistry department’s desktop and software request needs.
Requests to Jackson can be sent via help ticket: https://help.unc.edu/, email: coxjm@email.unc.edu or phone: (336) 906-0871. His office is in Kenan C247.