Electrodeposition in aqueous nanoreactors
One frontier of measurement science is pushing the limit of what is measurable. Nanoelectrochemistry has transformed what is measurable at the nanoscale, elucidating reactivity of single atoms, molecules, and nanoparticles, one by one. The ability to interrogate physicochemical properties of single entities has elucidated new truths of nature that are otherwise averaged out during measurements over many entities (ensemble experiments). Single-entity experiments also give access to the ultimate sensitivity in measurement science: the specific detection of one single entity (not nanomolar quantities, not picomolar quantities—one single unit). One exciting subset of single-entity electrochemistry, and the topic of this review, is the study of reactions in nanoreactors of subfemtoliter (10−15 L) volumes with a particular focus on nanoparticle synthesis.
Electrodeposition in aqueous nanoreactors
Matthew W. Glasscott and Jeffrey E. Dick
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2021 25, 100673
DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2020.09.004.