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Continuous Polymer Synthesis and Manufacturing of Polyurethane Elastomers Enabled by Automation

Continuous Polymer Synthesis and Manufacturing of Polyurethane Elastomers Enabled by Automation

Connecting polymer synthesis and processing is an important challenge for streamlining the manufacturing of polymeric materials. In this work, the automated synthesis of acrylate-capped polyurethane oligomers is integrated with vat photopolymerization 3D printing. This strategy enabled the rapid manufacturing of a library of polyurethane-based elastomeric materials with differentiated thermal and mechanical properties. The automated semicontinuous batch synthesis approach proved enabling for resins with otherwise short shelf lives because of the intimate connection between synthesis, formulation, and processing. Structure-property studies demonstrated the ability to tune properties through systematic alteration of cross-link density and chemical composition. © 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.

Johann L. Rapp, Meredith A. Borden, Vittal Bhat, Alexis Sarabia, and Frank A. Leibfarth ACS Polymers Au 0, 0, pp DOI: 10.1021/acspolymersau.3c00033

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