Scott Warren
Associate Professor
Kenan Laboratories A808919-966-0994
Group Website
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
2D Materials, Energy Storage, Solar Energy, Nanoelectronics
Research Synopsis
2D materials are a radically new building block for constructing complex materials and devices, from batteries to solar cells to water purification to sensors. Our lab is focused on:
1. The discovery of new 2D materials
2. The assembly of these building blocks into functional architectures
3. Understanding structure-property relationships in 2D materials and their assemblies
4. Integrating these new materials into devices for energy conversion, environmental remediation, and sensing
Our lab is interdisciplinary and collaborative, and we draw on both experimental approaches, such as materials synthesis, electrochemistry, electronics, nanophotonics, and electron microscopy, and computational approaches, such as density functional theory, finite difference time domain simulations, and multislice calculations, to understand the materials that we make.