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Department News

Scientists Develop Smart Polymers for Sustainable Rare Earth Recovery

The researchers' experiments found that increasing the hydrophobic component of their polymer improved its ability to extract lanthanides and that the polymer showed metal selectivity.

Study Finds Aged Biomass Emissions Could Pose Greater Risk to Lungs Than Fresh Wildfire Smoke

An Environmental Pollution study reveals how two key components of biomass smoke—levoglucosan and 4-nitrocatechol—affect human lung cells.

Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Atmospheres: How Sulfur Compounds Shaped Early Earth

An ACS Earth and Space Chemistry study revealed that sulfur existed in the early atmospheres in multiple oxidation states.

Sloan Fellowship awarded to Carolina chemist

Alex Zhukhovitskiy, William R. Kenan Jr. Fellow and an assistant professor of chemistry, has been awarded a 2025 Sloan Research Fellowship, among the most prestigious awards given to early-career scientists.

Unlocking Polymer Dynamics: A Path to Better Drug Delivery, Water Purification

A study explored how the diffusion of star-like and chain-like polymers depends on the pH and salt concentration of the solution.

UNC Study Uncovers Key Chemical Signal Behind Devastating Crop Disease

Researchers shed light on how Pseudomonas syringae, a common bacterial pathogen responsible for diseases in crops across the globe, uses a chemical signal to bolster its virulence and survival.

Study: Thickness and Phase of Organic Particles Affect Cloud Formation, Climate

At the heart of the research lies the phase state of organic aerosols, which can range from liquid to semisolid to glassy. This state determines their viscosity, a property that directly impacts their ability to nucleate ice.

Undergraduate researcher helps develop energy-efficient cellular isolation method
Diagram of special surface proteins, depicting 'catcher' and 'tag' proteins.

UNC-Chapel Hill Chemistry major Tarynn Neal designed her own research experience — and discovered an energy-efficient solution to an industrial-scale problem.


Fluorescence shadow imaging of Hypsibius exemplaris reveals morphological differences between sucrose- and CaCl2-induced osmobiotes

Herein, an approach for discriminating between tardigrade morphological states is developed and utilized to compare sucrose- and CaCl2-induced tuns, using the model species Hypsibius exemplaris.

Architectural Editing of Polyesters and Polyurethanes via Palladium(II)-Catalyzed [3,3]-Sigmatropic Oxo-Rearrangements

Herein, we disclose a backbone rearrangement approach to tune the short-chain branching of polymers.

Reductive Dynamic and Static Excited State Quenching of a Homoleptic Ruthenium Complex Bearing Aldehyde Groups

A new homoleptic Ru polypyridyl complex bearing two aldehyde groups on each bipyridine ligand, [Ru(dab)3](PF6)2, where dab is 4,4′-dicarbaldehyde-2,2′-bipyridine, was synthesized, characterized, and utilized for iodide photo-oxidation studies.

Valence can control the nonexponential viscoelastic relaxation of multivalent reversible gels

Here, we propose a model where the relaxation of polymer gels in the dilute regime originates from elementary events in which the bonds connecting two neighboring cross-linkers all disconnect.

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