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Undergrad Chemistry Major, B.S. Biochem

Chemistry Major, B.S. – Biochemistry Track


In addition to the program requirements, students must

  • earn a minimum final cumulative GPA of 2.000
  • complete a minimum of 45 academic credit hours earned from UNC–Chapel Hill courses
  • take at least half of their major core requirements (courses and credit hours) at UNC–Chapel Hill
  • earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 in the major core requirements. Some programs may require higher standards for major or specific courses.

For more information, please consult the degree requirements section of the catalog.

Gateway Course 
CHEM 101 & 101LGeneral Descriptive Chemistry I and Quantitative Chemistry Laboratory IH, F4
Core Requirements 
CHEM 102
or CHEM 102H
General Descriptive Chemistry II H, F
or General Descriptive Chemistry II
CHEM 102LQuantitative Chemistry Laboratory II1
CHEM 241Modern Analytical Methods for Separation and Characterization H3

or CHEM 245L
Laboratory in Separations and Analytical Characterization of Organic and Biological Compounds

or Honors Laboratory in Separations and Analytical Characterization of Organic and Biological Compound
CHEM 251Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 430Introduction to Biological Chemistry H3
CHEM 431Macromolecular Structure and Metabolism3
CHEM 432Metabolic Chemistry and Cellular Regulatory Networks3
CHEM 481Physical Chemistry I3
or CHEM 482L
Physical Chemistry Laboratory I or Physical Chemistry Laboratory II

CHEM 482Physical Chemistry II3
CHEM 530LLaboratory Techniques for Biochemistry3
CHEM 261Introduction to Organic Chemistry I H3
CHEM 262Introduction to Organic Chemistry II H3
or CHEM 263L
Laboratory in Organic Chemistry or Honors Laboratory in Organic Chemistry1
Additional Requirements 
BIOL 101Principles of Biology H, F3
BIOL 101LIntroductory Biology Laboratory1
BIOL 103How Cells Function F3
BIOL 220Molecular Genetics H3
MATH 232Calculus of Functions of One Variable II 1, H, F4
MATH 233Calculus of Functions of Several Variables 1, H, F4
MATH 383First Course in Differential Equations 1, H3
PHYS 118Introductory Calculus-based Mechanics and Relativity H, F 4
PHYS 119Introductory Calculus-based Electromagnetism and Quanta H, F 4
Total Hours71

H Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course.
Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.

F FY-Launch class sections may be available. A FY-Launch section fulfills the same requirements as a standard section of that course, but also fulfills the FY-SEMINAR/FY-LAUNCH First-Year Foundations requirement. Students can search for FY-Launch sections in ConnectCarolina using the FY-LAUNCH attribute.

1 Placement, PL, credits, zero hours, for MATH 232, MATH 233, or MATH 383 do not satisfy chemistry major requirements.

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