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Give to Chemistry

Give to Chemistry

The “Say Yes” fund allows the Department Chair to say “Yes” to continued innovation and compelling requests from students and faculty.

Gifts of every amount make a difference. These few examples show how saying “Yes” will have an impact:

  •  $50 Enables us to offer skill-building workshops for the Association of Chemistry Graduate Students, ACGS
  •  $100 Facilitates hosting career panels and networking opportunities for students and industry leaders
  •  $250 Increases our outreach programs in local elementary schools
  • $500 Expands the Graduate Committee for Professional Development (GCPD) student group
  •  $1,500* Allows us to bring top chemistry speakers to campus
  •  $2,500 Funds travel for faculty and students to establish and support research collaborations
  •  $5,000 Purchases equipment for teaching and research labs

* Dean’s circle giving level

All gifts to the Department of Chemistry count in the University’s Campaign for Carolina.

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