Condensed Matter Physics Meets Quantum Chemistry: First Principles Simulations of Heterogeneous Systems
Giulia Galli
Liew Family Professor of Electronic Structure and Simulations
Theoretical and Computational Modeling of Materials for Renewable Energy Sources and Quantum Information Technologies
The University of Chicago

Research Focus
Professor Galli is an expert in the development of theoretical and computational methods to predict and engineer material and molecular properties using methods based on quantum mechanics. Her research focuses on problems relevant to the development of sustainable energy sources and quantum technologies.
The Lecture
The Pariser and Parr families established the annual Pariser-Parr Lecture to bring influential and cutting-edge researchers to UNC to give UNC students an opportunity to hear research they may not otherwise have a chance to learn. We thank them for their generosity, and look forward to more lectures to honor Dr. Pariser and Prof. Parr for all of their groundbreaking work at UNC and beyond.