November 29, 2023 12:20 pm
November 29, 2023 1:10 pm
Chemical Tools to Capture and Control Hexosamine Sugar Signaling in Hyperglycemic Disease
Charlie Fehl
Assistant Professor
Wayne State University
All cells use sugar, but a consequence of unbalanced sugar usage is disease through hexosamine sugar signaling pathways including glucosamines. To precisely define the roles of hexosamine sugar-driven effects, the Fehl Group designs chemical tools sensitive for live-cell applications, for example our light-controlled photosugars and our cell compartment-specific "GlycoID" labeling strategy. We apply chemical biology tools at the interface of metabolism disease and cancer pathways to discover new roles for glucose-driven events in cells and disease. A key target area is determining the mechanisms and potential treatment strategies for cancers that have elevated risk in patients with hyperglycemia.