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CRITCL Electronics


Electronics Engineer


Room C249, Kenan Laboratories, second floor.



Repair & Construction

Monday through Friday

07:30 AM – 11:30 AM; 12:30 PM – 04:30 PM

Design & Consulting Service

Monday through Friday

08:00 AM – 05:00 PM
By appointment only.



Collin McKinney
Electronics Design Engineer and Electronics Facility Manager
Hardware & Software Design
Curriculum Vitae
Kenan Laboratories, Room C240 – office

Regent Joubert
Repair & Assembly
Electronics Technician
Kenan Labs, Room C249

Reggie Leatherberry
Senior Electronics Technician
Repair & Assembly
Kenan Labs, Room C249

Matthew Verber
Electronics Engineer
Hardware Design & Signal Processing
Kenan Labs, Room C249

Hardware Design

Design areas include analog, digital, RF, microprocessor, and sensor technologies. Specific services include problem definition, conceptual circuit design, mathematical modeling, prototyping, testing, mechanical layout, printed circuit board (PCB) design and production, construction, and documentation.

Software Design:
Software engineering design areas include experiment and instrument control, data acquisition, digital signal processing, signal analysis, user interface, and embedded processing. Languages include LabView, C, C++, BASIC and MATLAB.

Student Electronics Lab/Teaching Assistance:
The Electronics Facility personnel provide assistance with graduate and undergraduate education in the area of instrumentation and electronics by offering seminars and hands-on training. The Facility hopes to provide in the future a fully-equipped student lab area where students can design and construct their own circuitry and have direct access to Facility personnel for supervision and training.

Typical Design Topics:
Interface circuitry, measurement circuitry, automation and robotics, physical property sensors and sensor interface circuitry, control circuitry, fault protection circuitry, and analytical circuitry.

Capabilities include everything from hand-wired to pre-production, commercial style prototype production. Prototype construction including CAD Drawings, PCB layout, bill of materials, and enclosure design can be contracted through the Facility.

Specialized Topics:
The Electronics Facility can also provide general electronics engineering consultation services, assistance with grant proposal preparation when proposals involve complex electronics, and assistance with patent disclosures. In addition, the Facility can assist faculty members in the design of instrumentation and automation for commercialization of spin-off technologies.

The electronics Facility maintains a library containing the resources necessary for up-to-date circuit design, including standards, textbooks, circuit compendiums, and data books.


Analytical and Physical Chemistry Instrumentation

The Facility provides repair services for a wide variety of instrumentation technologies including, but not limited to, GC, mass-spec, HPLC, CE, optical spectrometry, NMR, X-Ray, lasers and laser power supplies, patch clamp instrumentation, I to E converters, oxygen sensors, data collection modules, lock-in amplifiers, and ion implanters.

General Laboratory:
The Facility provides repair services to support student laboratories and research laboratories. The types of instrumentation typically include hot plates, melting point units, stirrers, ovens, water baths, gel electrophoresis cells, HV power supplies, ion gauges, turbo pumps and controllers, chart recorders, pH meters, power supplies, vacuum systems, oscilloscopes, meters, and function generators.

The Facility also supports and maintains the Chemistry Department audio-visual equipment including slide projectors, overhead projectors, and digital projectors.

Other Services:
The Facility also provides consultation and recommendations on the purchase of new instrumentation for purposes of enhancing the reliability and maintainability of equipment in the department. In addition, the Facility provides services related to the preparations for the installation of new instrumentation as well as providing installation and testing services. Most types of equipment can be calibrated to manufacturer’s specifications by the facility staff.

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